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Book Code: 1111004405104

Rabindranath Tagore

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"In the highroad of adventures, full of the risk of new experiences, lies their true freedom, not within the confines of security." Nationalism became a prominent topic of discussion in the pre-Independence era, engaging academics worldwide to share their perspectives. Rabindranath Tagore's conception of nationalism is firmly rooted in the belief of inclusive growth, benefiting both the nation and its people. This book presents a compilation of Tagore's lectures on nationalism, examining its implications in the West, Japan, and India. Tagore's eloquence shines through as he advocates for a nationalism that prioritizes the well-being of all, rather than benefiting only a privileged few. It showcases his profound comprehension of contemporary politics, advocating a balanced approach to modernity that harmonizes the development of the nation and its people.


Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941) achieved worldwide acclaim as a celebrated poet, writer, novelist, essayist, and artist. His exceptional works acted as a bridge, connecting common people with those in the highest echelons of power during India's pre-Independence era. Tagore's literary and artistic creations heralded the beginning of modernism in literature and art. In recognition of his remarkable contributions, he was honored with the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913.


NATIONALISM IN THE WEST....................................................7
NATIONALISM IN JAPAN ......................................................... 39
NATIONALISM IN INDIA .......................................................... 71
THE SUNSET OF THE CENTURY .......................................... 95







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